Development history of previous version (WCOMD Studio)
WCOMD Studio Ver.1
Version Release date Updated contents
1.1.0 2017/01/16 <New Features and Improvements>

* A new feature was added that supports the strain based design concepts as specified in the Japan Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures 2012, Design. This involves calculating and checking the deviatoric strain and normalised cumulative strain energy and using these as damage indicators.
* It is now possible to start multiple instances of the application and run calculations simultaneously.
* An option has been introduced to the unreinforced concrete C setting in the RC plate section editor. It is now possible to select "Auto" or "User". Auto will perform calculations per primitive using the fracture parameter. The User option permits directly entering values
for Cx and Cy.    In conjunction with this the unreinforced concrete C
settings have been removed from the mesh element editor.    Old
version models are converted when they are read.
* An option has been introduced to the unreinforced concrete C setting in the RC plate section editor. It is now possible to select "Auto" or "User". Auto will perform calculations per primitive using the fracture parameter. The User option permits directly entering values
for Cx and Cy.    In conjunction with this the unreinforced concrete C
settings have been removed from the mesh element editor.    Old
version models are converted when they are read.
* An extension was made to the failure criteria result reporting.
Previously 3 limit values were entered (maximum tensile strain normal to crack, maximum compressive strain parallel to crack and max shear strain parallel to crack) and all elements and materials were checked against these limits. These three limiting values can now be entered for each concrete material. Thus multiple material definitions can be created and assigned to different plate sections and hence elements enabling checking for critical limits to vary across parts of the model.
* Further details about the input method for the effective tension factor C for plain concrete were added to the printed reports.
* The following improvements were made to the view control commands.
1. A new command was added that resets the view to the extents of the model but retains the current view direction.
2. The spin command was modified. It now shows a control panel containing 4 buttons for up/down, left/right. The view can be rotated a small fixed rotation about the horizontal and vertical axes independently.
3. It is now possible to restrict the rotation axis while dragging with the spin command by pressing and holding the Shift key or the Ctrl key. The Shift key restricts rotations to the horizontal axis, the Ctrl key restricts rotations to the vertical axis.
4. The pan command has been modified in a similar manner to the spin command. The Shift key restricts movement to the vertical direction, the Ctrl key restricts movement to the horizontal axis.
* A function (button) was added for the input table editors that automatically adjusts the width of a column to match the header and contents. Widths of table editor columns are also saved to a registry and used when the application is restarted.
* When many groups exist in a model the view options panel was difficult to use. A new separate form has been added for editing these view settings.
* A function was added to use the Ctrl-C key to copy the colours in the contour diagram legend editor.
* An explanation was added to the help file about the usage of the primitive divide function.

<Fixed problems>

* A bug was fixed that caused the convergence results to be 1 step out of position in the result viewer.
* When an analysis completed all requested steps (i.e. no material failures etc) the results reported for the last step were actually the results of a subsequent step with no loads. This could cause minor variations within the convergence tolerance limits as taking another iterative step could change the result slightly.
* The node merge command caused an error in the internal data structures. When this error was present, a node could appear to be connected to no elements and a validation check could fail. This has been resolved.
* A bug was fixed that caused the incorrect element to be highlighted in the table for crack strain results when an element was clicked on the graphical view.
* A bug was fixed that caused an error and prevented calculations when an RC plate section that was not referenced by any plate elements and to which no material had been assigned existed in a model.
* A bug was fixed that caused and error and prevented calculations when an unused elastic plate section was defined in a model.
* A bug was fixed that caused an error in producing the graphics for some printed reports.
* When two instances of ES were running together on the same PC and a calculation was executed on both, a list index error could occur. This problem has been resolved.
* A bug was fixed that caused an error when opening the reinforcing section editor for RC plate sections. This error occurred when an RC plate section containing a reinforcing section was duplicated in the table editor and the reinforcing section was subsequently deleted. The copied RC Plate section then became invalid and caused an error.
* A bug was fixed that caused loads on nodes to not be displayed at times.
* The green slider on the progress bar displayed during file reading did not show the progress correctly.
* It was not possible to select a plate element in the graphical view when the plate was viewed along it's own plane.
* Transforms were not applied correctly during pasting operations.
* A bug was fixed that caused a contour colour to be used in contour plots for result steps that did not have any results specified to be saved in the plate element time history queries. The "No Result"
colour is now correctly used.
* A bug was fixed that caused the selection colour of outlines selected in the outline editor to be incorrect under Windows 7 with the "Classic Display" option enabled.

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