    UC-win/Road Ver.9.00.00 (Released May 30, 2013)
 The cluster system now supports multi-user simulation

  • In the older versions, driving simulation could only be controlled from the master PC but thanks to the improvement of a system that keeps the drawing performance high, simulations can be now be run on client PCs as well.

 Function for modelling and placing models has been enhanced

  • Model Panel
    All types of models including 3D models, characters, trees, Road DB models can now created, searched for, loaded, edited, or deleted from a single window referred to as the "Model panel", which has been newly developed.
Interface of model panel Search query execution

  • Parametric Model Plug-in
    Parametric model plug-in enables you to create signs, stairs, escalators, pillars, walls, fences, ladders, etc. by inputting its parameters.
Click the image for a larger picture. Click the image for a larger picture.
Example of parametric model (stairs) Edit screen for stairs

  Traffic snapshot function

  • This function can be used to save a traffic conditions so that you can resume driving simulation from the saved traffic condition at any time.
Traffic snapshot function

  New features have been added to the Tsunami Plug-in

  • -Ability to show difference in height by colour contour.
    -The implementation of masking feature to show the height of tsunami
    -Ability to assign initial tide level
    -Legends for contours
New features of tsunami function

  Micro Simulation Player

  • The performance of Micro Simulation Player has been enhanced. The ability to sense a leading vehicle, a newly developed feature, can also be used in the SDK.
Function for ourputting information of a vehivle running ahead

  FBX improvement

  • FBX models having textures with alpha-channel and transparency settings are supported. Furthermore, advanced lighting has been applied to FBX models.
    Transmission display due to alpha channel Lighting effects of FBX models Expanded FBX model

  Trailers can now be driven.

  • A cab model and a trailer model can be selected and have its parameters assigned separately, and then be controlled as 2 different models linked together. Furthermore, collision detection is supported.
Start of operation of trailer

  Logging features has been improved.

  • Logs can now be output not just from the master PC but also from each and every client PC within a computer cluster. On top of that, logs can be output faster than ever before.

<Ver.9.00.01(Released 13/09/13) Contents>
  1. OHPASS plug-in (Option in additional cost) has been supported.
  2. Scenario function : Cluster multi user has been added to the target in a crush condition.
  3. "Motion" column has been added to "Motion" page of cluster master.

<Ver.9.01.00(Released 14/04/25) Contents>
  1. ACC(Adaptive Cruise Control), Automatic driving function have been added.
  2. A function to control the other vehicles via scenario function has been added.
  3. A function to link micro simulation data and driving simulation has been enhanced.
  4. Scenario control function of traffic snap shot has been added.
  5. A function to select output items has been added to log output plug-in.
  6. 3D stereo side by side system has been supported.
  7. A function to switch design to parametric "Sign" has been added.
  8. Height clipping function has been added.
  9. HTTP protocol of Road DB has been supported.
  10. Universal UI plug-in has been added.
  11. Photo-log Point Cloud Modeling Plug-in (Option in additional cost)has been added.