FORUM8 has been recognized under "2021 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program (Large enterprise category)" by the MLTI


Posted on March 11th, 2021

FORUM8 has been recognized under "2021 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program (Large enterprise category)" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi.

The Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization Recognition is given to companies that are conducting the very healthy management and strategically working on the health control of employees from the view of management. Following the "Certified Health & Productivity Management 2020 (Medium and small company section)" last year, FORUM8 has been certified in the large enterprise category this year.

FORUM8 has formulated and published our "Health management policy". In addition to activities outside company such as the acquisition of "Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization 2020 Recognition" and "Good health company (silver)", we are holding "Declaration of work style revolution" in company. We are promoting the revolution of way of working and the health enhancement activities so that a variety of human resources in the advanced software business can continue to work with healthy mental and body and the spirit filled with sociality and cooperativeness.

▲"2021 certified Health & Productivity Management Organization
(large enterprize category) logo and certifiate.

[Related Information]

▼METI "Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program" (in Japanese)

▼FORUM8's health and productivity management (in Japanese)

▼FORUM8 has been certified as "Health and Productivity Management Company 2020 (Medium and small company section)"(2020/03/05)

▼FORUM8 has been certified as "Good health company (silver)" (2019/01/15) (in Japanese)

▼FORUM8 has been certified as "Health and Productivity Management Organization White 500 (big company)" by METI. (2018/02/21)