Engineer's Studio® Ver.10 |
Version |
Released date |
Update contents |
10.0.0 |
21/03/31 |
- M-φ element considering varying axial force
- M-θ model (spring element) considering varying axial force
- * Varying Axial Force Option is required.
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Engineer's Studio® Ver.9 |
Version |
Released date |
Update contents |
9.0.0 |
19/04/25 |
- 64bit version
- Simplified input of section test
- Online help
- English help
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Engineer's Studio® Ver.8 |
Version |
Release date |
contents |
8.0.0. |
18/12/10 |
- Engineer's Studio® Section is available in Advanced version or greater version
- For non-linear plate elements, the convergence has been improved and a
damage guide has been added.
- NG material can be displayed in red in each verification.
- Extract key Max/Min/Abs can be specified separately.
- Outline element list
- Spring element and node displacement can be displayed on live load result.
- Search and merge of adjacent node
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Engineer's Studio® Ver.7 |
Version |
Release date |
contents |
7.0.0. |
17/09/26 |
- New option "Civil Structure Biaxial Section Calculation (Partial Factors
Method / Specifications for Highway Bridges, 2017) option"
- Backup function for input data file up to 10 generations ago
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Studio® Ver.6 |
Version |
Release date |
contents |
6.0.3 |
17/04/03 |
- "Catenary", "Parabola", "Hyperbola", "Three circle line", "Tunnel", "Truss" have
been added to "Frame element generator" plug-in.
6.0.2 |
17/02/27 |
- A function to temporarily check verification content in detail
- CSV export of cable element
- Model creation plug-in "Frame element generator" has been added.
- Auto adjustment of column width for table input window
- Enhancement of "View tool bar" that controls rotation and movement
of models
- Function to search nodes and elements in the result window
- Enhancement of commands in Model Ribbon - Edit - Copy/Move
6.0.1 |
16/10/13 |
- Speed of eigenvalue analysis process of plate element model has been improved
(for elements added in Version 6).
- Improvement of calculation time for linear elastic analysis (linear material
+ minute displacement)
- Reduction in data file loading time for large scale plate element model
- Reduction in time of drawing processing for plate surface load of large
scale plate element model
- Reduction in drawing time of result window for large scaled plate element
- Reduction in drawing time of contour cutting chart for large scale plate
element model
- Addition of comparison explanation and samples for PC material's fiber
element and M- element to the help
- Addition of sample models of cable-stayed bridge that frame element and
spring element are used in place of cable
6.0.0 |
16/09/12 |
<New Features and Improvements>
* A triangular 3 node plate element has been added. Thus complex region can now be auto meshed using a mixture of 3 & 4 node elements resulting in lower overall node counts in the model and hence improved cal- culation times. In addition, the 4 node element plate bending model has been changed from the isoparametric formulation
to a new model proposed by Soh. The new 3 node element also supports this model. The is- oparametric 4 node model is no longer supported. 4 node plate elements in models from previous versions of the product are automatically converted to the new Soh plate bending model when the files are read.
* The input for the reinforcing in plate sections was improved. It was not possible to define Cx and Cy (tension softening parameter) independently for each axis for unreinforced concrete. Also it is now possible to use an automatic method for calculating C. Improvements to the layout and input forms have also been made. It is now clearer which
parameters are required in different configurations.
* A function was added to convert 6 & 8 node (high order) elements to their corresponding 3 & 4 node (low order) elements. The new 3 & 4 node elements are recommended over the 6 & 8 node elements for plate bending.
* The input signals for a dynamic analysis are not viewable on the results form. Clicking on the signals will jump the result viewing form's current step to the selected step.
* New columns have been added to the tables that display the mass for beam and plate elements to show mass that has been included in a rigid body. Previously mass was always listed in the element tables even though it was actually included in a rigid body. This gave the impression that the mass was doubled up in the analysis. This was not
the case.
* The ribbon menu was changed to the Microsoft standard implementation. It now looks and feels the same as all standard Windows 10 applications.
* Initial state analyses using cable displacement constraints could fail when multiple cables connected to a single node. This scenario is now supported.
* A new feature was added to permit the setting of group membership for a set of selected elements and/or nodes.
* An improvement was made to error messages for secondary nodes. (i.e.nodes that are generated by an element like the cable element for example)
* A button was added to the result page viewing options to optionally hide the Max/Min table results tab for plate element result.
* A caption was improved in the Japanese GUI for analysis settings for the self weight loading model.
* Sample files were added for push over analyses as per the Japan building codes. A discussion of the pertinent points was also added to the help file. The sample files are,,
<Fixed problems>
* The axial force used to create allowable curvatures in Phi checks was taken from the mid point of the beam results always. It did not observe the option to use the original axial force for the M-Phi element from prior to the main calculation.
* The frame member rotations for small scale displacement post processing in large scale displacement analysis for sequence loads were incorrect.
* An upper limit of 2E6 was applied to the N value for fatigue calculations on sections. This limit has been removed.
* When the maximum value for the SFHB-III Sigma_I checks was calculated, it was not normalised by the allowable stress and so in multiple material sections, the incorrect value could be reported as the most critical. This affected the printed reports also.
* When the maximum value for the SFHB-III Sigma_I checks was calculated, it was not normalised by the allowable stress and so in multiple material sections, the incorrect value could be reported as the most critical.
* Load values entered in the load table editor for the frame member were not shown correctly in the individual load editor.
* Some material properties used in the calculation of shear strength for sections containing FRP (Vfrpd) were incorrect. The shear strength itself was correctly output.
* A bug was fixed in the standard reports for allowable shear calculations according to SFHB-IV that always reported that the effective height was used in the calculations, regardless of the actual setting.
* When a plate primitive was fully included in a rigid body and static automatic load cases were used, it's load was doubled because it's load appeared in both the load generated by the rigid body and in the surface mesh load.
* When static loads were generated by a rigid body element that holds other elements, the distinction between structural dead loads and non structural dead loads was lost. All loads of included elements were treated as structural loads. They are now separated correctly.
* When cable elements with zero mass were analysed errors could occur.
* When cable loads were included in a load combination that had a scale factor other than 1.0, the scale factor was not applied.
* A degrade in the convergence performance of a sample cable element model,, introduced in V5 updates has been resolved.
* When a model with many load steps was analysed (>10,000) and the time history queries for frame members had a step size greater than 1, performance problems could occur during result viewing when changing from Action to displacement viewing for example. Improvements have been
* The introduction of the new plate bending models in the 3 & 4 node elements has eliminated unstable model errors that related to the rank deficiency of the old elements.
* When a F3D file that contains ea/ey data for section calculations according to SFHB V H24 were read into ES, that data was not read correctly.
* When cable elements had zero mass the dynamic mass inspector failed to show the correct masses.
* A big was fixed in the display of the critical T-Load loacation in the live load results graphics.
* A bug was fixed that caused an error while scrolling in the curvature check table result viewer.
* An error could occur when rendering the graphics for plate surface loads in special cases when overlapping plates were present.
* The caption for the equation for the allowable curvature in a M-Phi element was incorrect on the table editor in some cases.
* A bug was fixed that caused incorrect display of the model when a separate 3D view was created and then docked back to the main form.
| |
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Engineer's Studio® Ver.5 |
Version |
Release date |
Updated contents |
<New Features and Improvements>
* A command was added to merge nodes at the same coordinates in the model.
* Improvements to the convergence algorithm for fibre elements for initial structure state forces has been made.
* It is now possible to start multiple instances of the application and run calculations simultaneously.
<Fixed problems>
* Improvements to the convergence algorithm for M_Phi elements for initial structure state forces has been made.
* A bug was fixed that caused an incorrect Ok/Ng judgement for shear calculations for Tm < Ta1 in some cases.
* In very rare cases an error occurred that caused the results to show NAN's, i.e. invalid numbers.
* A bug was fixed that caused an error during live load calculations sometimes.
* An error occurred when a single plate load was defined for a very large number of plate primitives.
* A bug was fixed that caused an error when Eigen analysis results were
viewed in a model that contain a run definition that was not selected
to be calculated.
* When pasting a model or component with many nodes sometimes nodes failed to merge when they had exactly the same coordinates.
* In some cases when nodes adjacent to the area being meshed existed,
the 2D meshing algorithm failed to produce a structured mesh.
* An error was fixed that occurred when clicking on the contour section
plots in a model that had a mesh element with no primitives included.
* A bug was fixed that caused the M-Phi skeleton to sometimes not be displayed in the M-Phi element result form.
* A bug was fixed that caused an error when a limit state design check was undertaken without a check point being set.
* A bug was fixed that caused the blue skeleton line of the M-theta
skeleton to overrun the graph area when viewing spring member moment
angle time history results.
* When an outline containing a reference to another outline was
duplicated the referenced outline was also duplicated. This has been
corrected. Only the outline selected for duplication is now duplicated.
* A bug was fixed that could cause the M-Phi z axis values to be
displayed incorrectly on the M-Phi preview input form. This only
affected the display, calculations were unaffected.
* A bug was fixed in the printed reports that caused an incorrect input
parameter to be displayed for some settings on hysteresis objects.
* A bug was fixed that caused an error if the mouse was moved over the
result screen while saving the model with results attached.
* A bug was fixed that caused the incorrect printed output of some
input parameters used in the auto creation of a spring member from a
section according to Japan codes.
* A bug was fixed that prevented selecting triangular primitives and
quadrilateral primitives simultaneously in the mesh element editor.
* It was possible to start another command before the delete command was completed. This has been prevented.
* A bug was fixed that caused an error sometimes when pressing the abort button during an analysis.
* Under rare circumstances when deleting nodes the master node of a
rigid element could become unset. If this occurred the analysis was
prevented by a warning message so there was no problem with the
However, it could also cause the graphics to become unusual and the display size of the model to become very small.
* When large scale displacement processing was used and the post
processing option was set to large scale also, the spring elements were
rendered incorrectly in the result graphics. This did not affect the
calculation results.
5.00.02 |
15/07/28 |
<New Features and Improvements>
* Each mesh element was rendered independently to other mesh elements.
Smoothing of the contours, introduced in V5, only occurred at the common
perimeters of primitives within a single mesh element. This has been extended
to permit the user definition of smoothing groups. Mesh elements can be
grouped together and contour smoothing will be performed across all common
boundaries of primitives within the group.
* The ability to open UC-1 Frame *.fmd files, select a model from the list
and import it has been added to the import menu.
* A generator function was added to the contour sections. Multiple load
cases, runs, groups, action type and max/min settings may be selected.
All combinations are generated as individual contour section definitions.
* The caption on the title bar on the main form has been augmented to show
the licence category under which the application is running. e.g.
* Factors for deep beam effects (Cdc, Cds) were added to the Ultimate Shear
Check for SFHB V.
* When frame element actions were printed out the 6 components were split
over two pages, one with 4 columns the second with 2. The column sizes
have been adjusted to fit 6 columns in an A4 page.
* In the Ultimate Shear Check for SFHB V and IV, the factor Cc was defined
for both Type I, Type II loading. Previously only a single value was input.
* The adjustment factor Cpt for axial reinforcement specified by several
design codes could be input for the Y and Z axes. However, the applied
actions (N,M) determine which side of the section is in tension. It was
not possible to enter Cpt for each side of the section. The input for Cpt
has been extended to cover these cases. It is no longer necessary to know
the actions in advance of entering the design information.
* An option was added to the system colour options to permit setting the
color for the text on displacement diagrams in result mode that shows the
displacement magnification factor.
* A system colour option was added to control the colour of the fonts on
the plate contour section diagrams.
<Fixed problems>
* Details were improved in the PPF report for the Limit State Design Serviceability
Appearance Torsion Crack.
* Temperature loads were not added to load combinations in load case analysis.
Sequence analysis was unaffected by this error.
* Plate element results written to CSV export files had the angles written
in radians, but the title indicated degrees. This has been amended to be
degrees. The same problem existed in the time history result form.
* When no reinforcing was present in the Y direction in a plate section
definition, the C value displayed in the user interface was incorrect.
The correct value was used in the calculations.
* In minimum reinforcing calculations for SFHB III H14 & H24, the effective
tensile reinforcing could not be input when the Calculation Type was Direct
Input. For other Calculation Types, the Ast value was calculated and used
* For footing member types and cyclic shear loading settings the values
calculated for the adjustment factor Cds were incorrect.
* In some cases the efficiency ratio cannot be calculated in design check
results due to the denominator being 0. In these cases 0 was shown. The
infinity symbol is now shown instead.
* When a UC-win/Frame(3D) file with steel section allowable moment design
checks was imported, the design checks did not run.
* The view settings in the bridge editor form did not apply correctly to
the 3D view.
* An error occurred during validation checks when a node result query existed
and load settings were absent from a sequence load definition.
* A problem has been averted that prevented graphics being displayed in
the node and element time history result form when the PC's graphic card
was an Intel HD Graphics 4400 card.
* And error occurred when exporting a front facing view to DXF or DWG from
the result form.
* When kanji names were used in printed reports of input data for groups,
the format could extend beyond A4 width.
* Some fields on the spring properties object editor were disabled for
input when they should have been editable. This has been corrected.
* An error was fixed that prevented importing DXF/DWG data in some cases.
* Under certain circumstances an error could occur during the processing
of the graphics for the surface loads on plate elements.
The bug caused an out of memory error to occur.
* In the printed reports for some average results, the load step of the
occurrence was reported. The load step is meaningless to average results.
This text has been removed.
* An error occurred in the Code Configuration property editor when a numerical
section element was selected.
* Contour section plot exports to the disk were not possible when load
case analysis was done. This issue appeared in V5.0.1 only.
* A result form tab name was incorrect in the Japanese version. |
5.00.01 |
15/06/03 |
<New Features and Improvements>
* In the input table for shear force section design checks a column for
the effective axial reinforcing has been added to enable copy operations
from this data. However for the direct input method the value is not displayed
here, but can be obtained from reports after calculation.
* The axial force, N, was added to the table for the MPhi element details
table in the input forms. This same data is able to be exported to CSV.
* The short cut key (Ctrl-N) for creating a new model has been removed.
* It is now possible to resize the section selection window that is called
from the frame member table editor. This permits viewing a much large number
of sections at once while making a selection. The Ok/Cancel buttons have
been removed from this form. Once the correct section is selected close
the form with the 'x' in the upper right corner to complete the editing
<Fixed problems>
* When the working folder for the application was set to a folder name
that contained Japanese characters an xml error occurred when the solver
was called. This has been corrected.
* When a contour section is taken along the edges of adjacent primitives,
the resulting edges did not always render their plot value on the same
side. This can create unexpected renderings where the plot appeared to
alternate from one side to the other. The tabulated data was correct but
the image was not as expected.
* In V5 the contour section for each plate element is created independently
and they are all concatenated together to give the final contour section.
However, when adjacent primitives existed in different plate elements,
duplicate vertices were created.In V4 and before all plate elements were
merged together and contour sections created from all primitives together.
Duplicate vertices did not occur. This difference affected the plotting
algorithm that decides which side of the edge to plot the value. Some differences
could be seen compared to previous versions. This algorithm has now been
improved and gives similar results to V4.
* There was an issue in the input form of the data for the code configuration
data for J-BEC H17 [Mu] that caused some input cells to be enabled when
they were not used and the incorrect strain-stress graph was displayed.
Calculation results were unaffected.
* When the ultimate shear, Sus, calculated according to the Specification
for Highway Bridges part III became 0, the ratio with the actual shear
became zero and NG was not displayed in the summary table. This has been
corrected. ∞ is now displayed for the ratio and NG will appear in the summary
* AV occurs when opening contour section form if a previously selected
run is not calculated.
* When a fibre element summary report had been created and then the hysteresis
objects were deleted and the file saved, the file became corrupt and could
not be read again.
* Old F3D files that contain limit state design input data and were read
into an old version of ES (Ver 1, 2) and were saved from that version could
not be read into later versions of ES. This has been corrected.
* There was an error in the values displayed for the frame element y axis
setting in the frame element table editor. This has been fixed, it did
not affect calculation results.
* The name of the load case was missing from the title of contour section plots.
* V5.0.0 automatically adds a plate element time history query to old data
files when they are read to preserve backward compatibility of results.
However, this converter runs every time a file is opened. Thus, even if
the query was deleted, it will reappear next time the file is opened. This
has been resolved. The converter now only runs when a version older than
V5.0.0 is opened.
* A problem could occur when creating printed reports when a single-byte
underscore or a half-width + symbol was in a load case name.
* Units were shown incorrectly on the summary result table for relative
ratios for curvature, φ/φa、φ/φy、φ/φc. There are no units on these ratios.
* In the table editor for contour sections there was no column of data
for the setting when the coordinate system was selected from a single plate
* An error occurred when deleting a contour legend that was assigned to
a contour section.
* An error occurred when a plate section was deleted and that plate section
had a reinforcing section that was used in a plate element.
* When a very large number of plate elements (>10000) were selected
in the plate section force editor, some of them were not rendered. This
has been corrected.
* The failure torsion moment output value in the printed reports and the
safety ratio were printed incorrectly. This has been fixed.
* Impact factor for p2 load of Tandem or T could not be input.
* An error occurred when changes were made to a bridge definition while
the view settings form was open for the bridge editor.
5.00.00 |
15/04/15 |
<New Features and Improvements>
* A Usage Guidance document has been created for the plate element. It
includes a description, cause, means of identification and remedies for
issues that may occur with the plate element in Engineer's Studio.
* Time history result queries for plate elements have been added. They
follow the same pattern as other entity based time history results with
table data and plots. This makes it possible to obtain result values at
arbitrary locations and time steps. Previously results were limited to
maximum values per group.
* New post processing options for the contour plots have been added. The
set comprises of Full Smoothing, None & Average. Full smoothing applies
to results occurring at Gauss points. The values are extrapolated to the
nodes using the underlying FEM theory. The node values are then averaged
with adjacent elements and used to recalculate other internal locations
in the element. The "None" option renders each element independently
to adjacent elements using the raw results from the solver. The "Average"
option plots the average of the Gauss point values over the entire element
independent to adjacent elements.
* The specification for plate element contour sections has been redeveloped.
There is now a separate result form for contour section plots. Settings
can be made via option panels and the location plot, section and section
table data can be viewed on the result screen. The origin for the section
can be selected graphically by mouse operation from the location plot on
screen. Gauss points are also rendered. Mouse over functions show plot
results at the current mouse location. Settings can be saved in the file.
Saved settings can be selected and exported to the disk as a batch.
* When curvature checks are conducted under the Japan building codes, the
moment curvature relationship to use needs to be defined based on the initial
axial force selected prior to analysis. The previous specification was
to use the axial force that occurs simultaneously with the maximum curvature.
A new option has been added to select either of these methods.
* A redesign of the user interface for the report definitions has been
done. There is now three simple buttons on the top ribbon to select which
category of report to view. From there the main form contains a tree navigation
panel showing which items have been selected. It is possible to gain an
overview of all defined reports, enable/disable all at once and navigate
directly to an area of interest. It is also possible to delete all at once.
* When defining moment curvature skeletons via section calculations, it
is now possible to input an arbitrary axial force to inspect the result.
Previously a member had to be selected and the axial force used on the
form was taken from that member's settings. It is no longer possible to
select a member at this stage in the input. Members may not yet have been
defined and the need to select a member made experimentation inconvenient.
A new form was added for previewing the actual moment curvature relations
used in the analysis for each member. This replaces the functionality lost
in the above modification.
* When defining moment rotation spring definitions via section calculations,
it is now possible to input an arbitrary axial force to inspect the result.
Previously a spring member had to be selected and the axial force used
on the form was taken from that member's settings. It is no longer possible
to select a member at this stage in the input. Members may not yet have
been defined and the need to select a member made experimentation inconvenient.
A new form was added for previewing the actual moment rotation relations
used in the analysis for each member. This replaces the functionality lost
in the above modification.
* A function was added that copies selected code configuration data to
multiple other objects which have the same data. Previously each object
had to be edited individually in the form editor.
* In result mode an object can be selected and the sequence results for
that object accessed directly from the right click menu.
* The ability to plot the numerical values of the average for each primitive
over the contour diagrams has been added.
* It is now possible to automatically copy the current contour plot range
into a user defined legend. This may be convenient when animating contour
images for directional dependent results. Previously each image was prepared
with the legend range determined for only that image. So this caused continual
changing of the contour legend range during animation. By copying the range
from the maximum step into a user defined legend the legend range can be
held constant during animation. Note that this issue did not occur for
principal axis plots as the ranges for these are compiled automatically
during the main solver calculations. However such calculations are not
possible for direction dependent results as there is an infinite number
of possible result values.
* Options to render the plate thickness, section name, primitive name and
average plot value have been implemented in the contour result plots.
* A function was added to table editors to paste into multiple rows if
selected. A single row can be copied and if multiple rows are selected,
the copied row values are duplicated to all selected rows.
* When items in a table editor were sorted items with the same values changed
places each time the sort occurred. A different sort algorithm has been
adopted that retains the original list ordering for equivalent values.
* A table editor has been added to input spring boundary conditions on
supports. Previously the values were only able to be entered one at a time
on a form. The input for coupled springs is also supported in table so
there are 18 columns.
* A new switch was added to the report options for input data. When the
switch is on a 3D diagram for each group in the model is output automatically.
Also a new generator button has been added to the user defined reports.
When it is clicked a 3D user defined diagram for all groups is generated.
One set of diagrams with node names and one set with element names are
* Performance improvements have been made to the time it takes to display
the result form after the calculation of a large model. The model tested
contained 40,000 nodes, 10,000 spring elements, 10,000 supports, 10,000
plate elements. Before the improvements the processing took about 3 1/2
minutes. After the improvement the time was about 20s.
* A bug was fixed that cause the dockable navigation panel on the left
side of the main form to remain hidden under certain conditions.
* An option was added to enable/disable the display of various components
of reaction in the graphics for the summary results.
* A new feature was added that reorders the primitives in a mesh element
based on their geometrical position. This makes searching for a given name
in graphics easier.
* In the curvature check summary result table both allowable and response
curvatures were shown as absolute values. The signs are now shown.
* There was a threshold on the Youngs modulus for plate elements in the
solver. If below the threshold the material was deemed to be non-structural
and not included in the analysis. The threshold was 1 kN/m^2 and this is
adequate for typical structures. However, some theoretical testing requires
smaller values. The threshold was reduced to 1E-12 kN/m^2.
* In the comments in the summary overview table for shear strength calculations,
the ultimate moment is now shown with a sign.
* When trying to display the result form after analysis of a model containing
2000 groups, the application did not respond. This has been resolved.
* Copy and paste (Ctrl C-Ctrl V) was enabled in property forms in the section
* Improvements to the speed performance of copy & paste on the section
elements table editor were made.
* The optional rendering of arrows for principal axis plate element results
has been extended to include arrow rendering for directional results also.
* When a user defined report is created from the main result form for plate
element results there is now an option to include or exclude the max/min
values for the currently specified plot.
<Fixed problems>
* Testing has revealed that out of plane shear forces can be unreliable
over a wider range of t/L ratios than previously thought. The t/L warning
message has been removed to avoid misleading information and a technical
document created to explain the issue in detail and give guidance on how
to obtain out of plane shear forces for design. In addition improvements
to the element formulation are being investigated. Note that this does
not affect displacements, in plane axial forces or out of plane bending
moments, only the out of plane shear forces.
* When the switch settings for a run for initial structure state forces
were Use in Eigen analysis : On Use in main calculation : Off The initial
structure state forces were included in the element forces for the main
run. This was incorrect. They should have only been included in the element
forces when "Use in main calculation" is on. This occurred in
the beam element and spring element.
* Under very rare situations loads became disconnected from the elements
they were applied to. The loads remained in the model but were not applied
during analysis. The cause of this has been fixed and when files prior
to V5 are read they are checked for this issue. If this issue is detected
the data is repaired and a warning message is displayed which shows which
loads and elements were affected.
* Problems in the curvature check of the absolute curvature design checks
have been resolved.
* It was not possible to enter values for fixed degrees of freedom of spring
members. These were always treated as zero. This has been corrected and
values can be entered now. Values obtained from elastic analysis are also
retained correctly and appear in the final sequence analysis results. Note
that these values do not affect other results because the spring was fixed
in that direction. This program modification just makes it easier to record
the total forces associated with the fixed direction.
* When a section element that contained a reused outline element that in
turn contained a circle, the circle mesh option in the fibre section editor
was not able to be selected. This has been enabled.
* When copying plate element coordinate system vectors from the input form
normalised values were copied instead of the original input values. Input
values are now copied.
* A bug was fixed which caused and "out of system resources"
error to occur under repeated operations on some editors.
* When reinforcing rods overlapped boundaries of area mesh elements in
a fibre section, in some cases the area of the bar was not subtracted evenly
from the underlying mesh cells. This would not have affected results significantly
for typical mesh settings.
* In a section with prestress shear, Sp, the sign of Sh was not considered
when the section capacity, Suc, was calculated.
* Displacement values for frame members fully inside a rigid body were
not calculated. All values were zero.
* In a section with prestress shear, Sp, the sign of Sh was not considered
when the section capacity, Sus, was calculated.
* When the Hoshikuma concrete hysteresis was used the default setting for
the tensile concrete damage criteria was in correct when the tension model
was ignored. This did not affect the main calculation, just the post processing
of the damage criteria results for tension.
* A problem importing detail settings relating to shear reinforcing content
from UC-win/FRAME(3D) was resolved.
* On user defined legends for crack width plots the very last colour for
the maximum range was not rendered correctly.
* Validation checks for time history result queries were occurring on runs
that were not to be calculated. The validation checks are for suitability
of the selected range of steps in the query. Unused runs are no longer
checked for.
* An improvement was made to the operation of the table editors when adding
a new row while sorting is active. Previously the new row did not appear
until sorting was deactivated. Now, the row is visible even while the table
is sorted.
* When a new model was created a reinforcing material for the plate element
was always created by default. This was unnecessary and is no longer done.
* The ground spring/plate element generator command is now disabled when
the necessary material nonlinear licence is not detected.
* It is now possible to include the input data for soil profiles in the
printed reports.
* After the main form had been expanded to full screen size and then returned
to normal size the relative sizes of some components were not retained.
This has been resolved.
* When importing DXF/DWG data as sections that contained blocks errors
could occur. Block data is no longer read.
* In load case analysis a bug was fixed that caused the table data to be
omitted in the reports for reactions in envelope load cases.
* Additional details have been added to the report of the Suc code design
* A bug was fixed in the reporting of the Awreal > Aw code design check.
Even though Aw=0 was entered, a non-zero value was reported.
* When element axes were selected to be displayed in the view settings
only the currently selected element on the screen had its coordinate system
displayed. However, in reports, none were displayed as the selection information
was not used in reports. This has been modified so that when this option
is on, all elements have their coordinate systems rendered in printed reports.
* When default hysteresis objects were deleted and a new section created
from the plugin section generators an error occurred when the section editor
was opened. This has been fixed.
* When a reduction factor for stiffness in an Eigen analysis was based
on an M-Phi skeleton, and that skeleton was based on a section calculation
that had failed, the Eigen analysis failed with a solver error about an
unstable node. However it was difficult to establish the true cause of
the problem from the solver error. An improved error message is now provided.
* AN AV could occur during analysis under rare circumstances as follows.
1. A load case contained invalid data input for a load (e.g. Non sequential
elements selected in a continuously distributed load)
2. Sequence analysis with an initial structure load case was performed.
3. The invalid load case was not used in the sequence loads. Under these
conditions the invalid load was not detected during validation. This caused
an error later in the processing. The loads are now validated.
* Problems in exporting new materials from ES to UC-win/Section were resolved.
* Section data created with generators in UC-win/FRAME(3D) could cause
errors at times when being imported to ES. The issues have been resolved.
* Elastic members have no index for strain based performance results. They
were rendered in the colour of elastic elements but are now rendered with
the "no result colour defined in the legend."
* An error occurred when an analysis was attempted without defining a sequence
load in a run. This is now covered by a validation check prior to executing
the analysis.
* An incorrect caption in the printed reports for Asreal > As checks
was fixed.
* The default model size on the input graphics view could be too small
when plate sections that are very thick compared to the model size were
used. This was because the view setting switch for plate sections was not
considered. This has been resolved.
* Captions on the horizontal axis of the plots comparing plate theory to
beam theory were incorrectly labelled as t/L. They are actually L/t. This
has been amended. Vertical axes have had extra captions added.
Engineer's Studio® Ver.1 |
Version |
Release date |
Updated contents |
1.07.01 |
12/05/07 |
- Calculation speed for large scale mode has been improved.
- Post-processing and the processing speed have been improved.
- "Bi-linear asymmetry+plus and minus direction" has been added
to the spring characteristic.
1.07.00 |
11/12/22 |
<New option>
- Engineer's Studio® "Cable Element Option"
<New Features and Improvements>
- M-φelement operating with a section and spring element (M-θcharacteristic)
can now be automatically calculated.
- Supports verifying the curvature and spring element.
- Supports verifying residual displacement of a road bridge.
- Rigidity reduction of frame element and spring element when analysing eigen
value has been supported.
- Towing distribution load of a train load "EA load" considering the distribution load to the joint running load.
- Function for loading by the ground displacement has been added to cylindrical
tank using a plate element.
- Function for loading dynamic water pressure has been added to cylindrical tank using a plate element.
1.06.03 |
11/08/24 |
- "BMR(CD) dumper" has been added to spring characteristics.
- Tool for calculating one or more files has been added.
- Function for copying a section etc, and automatic function for copying
in a tabular form input screen have been added.
- Supports exporting the result of frame element and plate element in a text format. (csv file)
- Material database has been added.
1.06.02 |
11/05/31 |
- Supports linking with development kit "Engineer's Studio® Plugin SDK 1.06.02".
- Criteria for damage on the compression side of a plate element has been added. (3 times as peak strain)
- Supports importing acceleration file (*.acc), K-NET seismic wave data (*.EW、*.NS、*.UD),
JMA seismic wave.
- Command for creating a plate element "Quadrangle mesh element"
has been improved.
1.06.01 |
1/03/09 |
<New Features and Improvements>
+ It is now possible to define the effective reinforcing ratio for a
reinforced concrete plate section layer in the X & Y directions
independently. Previously only the gross ratio was input and this was
adopted internally as the effective ratio. Some situations were
difficult to model with this limitation.
+ A new CAD command was added that creates multiple rigid elements,
spring elements or frame elements using an offset and a direction from
existing nodes. It is useful for quickly generating joint regions
between plate elements for example. It produces an effect like a kenzan
used in Japanese ikebana.
+ A new command was added for editing rigid bodies on the main 3D CAD
view. Child nodes can be added and removed by direct graphical
selection. This extends the editing abilities provided by the table
+ Docked tab sheets can now be closed directly by clicking an "X" button on the tab.
+ Added support for panning directly from the middle mouse button.
+ "Contour Text Color" and "Contour Line Color" were added to the System
Options-->Color Setting. These are for the legend on the result form
3D graphical view.
+ The order of nodes resulting from an element division command was changed from descending to ascending.
+ Warning message is shown if member length is less than 0.01m.
+ When selecting a row in the result table for plate element results the
view parameter forms are now updated correctly when the magnitude of
the out-of plane shear force cell in the table is clicked.
+ The result display response time was improved for large models in load
case analysis. (The model used in testing was over 40000 nodes.)
+ When some named objects were copied and pasted several times, the auto
unique name generator created very long inconvenient names. (e.g. Nodes
). The name generator now strips off incoming trailing numerical
characters before creating a unique name by attaching a new number. The
new number starts as the list count.
+ Command property editors sometimes appeared to the left of the main
form when the editor was wider than the navigation tree. In these cases
the editor will now align with the left of the main form.
<Fixed problems>
* Input/Output
+ A section containing reinforcing could sometimes generate an error after merging.
+ When nodes were deleted as isolated nodes, they were not removed from the groups.
+ There were English captions on the command prompt panel for the
commands for the creation of frame and plate elements. The localisation
has been updated.
+ Access violation error occurred when Play button was clicked after Strain Performance Criteria was selected.
+ An unexpected error occurred during an analysis with two runs when the
runs had different pick-up keys. Also an access violation error
sometimes occurred during analysis when the run editor form was docked
on the main window.
+ Influence line result and check point result table was not displayed in result mode.
+ An error occurred when the order of the load cases was changed or a
new load case was added in the Load Case Editor form when the model had
Dead Load(St.) or Earthquake Load and had Load Configuration data for
design calculations.
+ Under certain conditions, the printed reports of plate contour figures had incorrect colours.
+ In a large model changing the static earthquake factor in the Model
Setting editor created long delays in updates of the screen.
Improvements have been made such that if loads are not being viewed
graphically the response is much better than the previous version.
* Calculation Results
+ In some models with over 3000 nodes the 32bit solver occasionally
failed and reported an unknown error. This problem has been fixed.
+ Plate actions could be set to zero in the contour plots when plate
sections with material nonlinear layers were analysed with the global
material linear switch on.
* File I/O
+ If a file was saved after spring elements in a group were deleted, the
file could not be reopened. The issue has been resolved.
+ If a file was saved after input data for section calculations was
deleted, the file could not be reopened. The issue has been resolved.
+ The program failed to read a f3d file that include a section that used a "Reuse Outline" element type.
+ In a file where reports including sub envelope load cases and pickup
keys had been deleted, an error occurred when saving the file. The issue
has been resolved.
+ An error occurred when a non structural material was assigned to a numerical section. |
1.06.00 |
10/12/27 |
<New Features and Improvements>
* Solver + The PARDISO(Parallel Direct Solver) Sparse Matrix Solver
has been implemented in the solver. This greatly increases the
performance of the solver on large models. Memory usage is
significantly reduced and calculation times are significantly improved.
Both of these effects make it possible to analyse models far larger
than previously possible. For example, a 45000 node model (plate
elements, material nonlinear, static analysis) uses 3GB of memory
compared with 20GB in the previous version. Note that the memory used
by the matrix is only a part of this. Material nonlinear models require
a significant amount of memory to store state data compared to material
elastic models. This model calculates in 30 minutes compared with 20
hours in the previous version. Eigen analysis uses less than 1GB memory
whereas the previous version required memory amounts beyond the limits
of typically available desktop PCs and could not run. This model
calculates in one minute compared with an estimated two hours in the
previous version if memory had been available. This new feature in
conjunction with the previously released 64 bit version has
significantly increased the model size capabilities of Engineers
Studio. + The bilinear spring type previously had a zero spring
stiffness at the origin in its specification. Although this did not
affect nonlinear analysis, it created problems using this spring type
in static analyses and eigen analyses. Sometimes a dummy spring of
small stiffness was recommended as a work around for this. This
specification has been improved and the zero initial stiffness state
has been removed. + The previous restriction of 1000 child nodes per
rigid body element has been removed. There is no restriction now. + In
certain combinations of spring elements and plate elements, the solver
incorrectly reported an unstable structure.
* Mindlin Plate & Fibre Element + A new ground spring generator
command was added. Soil stiffness properties for a profile are entered
and applied to a selected mesh element. Spring stiffnesses for
nonlinear spring members are integrated over the plate elements in the
selected mesh and applied at the nodes. All required spring
definitions, spring elements, nodes and support conditions are
automatically generated. + Previous versions stored and reported the
maxima for contour plots over the whole model. From this version,
maxima are stored and reported per user defined group. Groups may
comprise of any elements. An element may belong to 0, 1 or more groups.
An automatic "non grouped" set is also defined and maxima reported for
that. + The load step of the maxima for crack strains in the plate
element are now shown in a table result form. + Added the ability to
define side clipping planes for plate loads. + Window Design unified
for "Free Outline Mesh Element","Rectangular Mesh Element" and "Plate
Element From Outline". + A new delete function was added to the mesh
element editor. Now when multiple primitives are selected they can all
be deleted by a single command. The option to delete unused nodes is
also included in the new command. + Improvements to the commands that
create surface mesh elements from outlines. + Contour plots for load
combinations are now available. + Fibre strain results for fibre
elements are now prepared per group. This is now consistent with strain
contour plotting for the plate element which is also done per group.
* User interface performance for large models + Performance problems on
large models in the load editor table were resolved. + A progress bar
was added for loading files. + In a model with a large number of frame
members, the graphics performance in result mode was very poor. This
has been improved. + The performance of the frame member table editor
was very poor on large models. Improvements have been made. +
Hysteresis, MPhi and Spring definitions contained a lot of
automatically created data that was not always required. In large
models this data caused performance problems when reading and writing
files. The data is now only created when required. + In a model with
many load steps and many cells in a fibre section the display of the
fiber section results was very slow. Improvements have been made. Tho
slow problems have been improved. + On large plate models many node
supports can exist. In these cases the symbol used to represent
supports in the 3D views caused rendering speed performance problems. A
new symbol has been adopted to improve this. + When many groups existed
in a model, the 3D rendering performance was poor. Improvements have
been made. + The application performance was poor when deleting a large
number of objects from a large model. Improvements have been made.
* Miscellaneous + When point loads were shown on the graphics, the sign
of the load was also included in the text in the graphics. This was
unnecessary and potentially misleading as the graphic already shows the
direction of the load accounting for the sign. + Default setting for
contour plots of displacements in result mode is set to the magnitude
of the displacement instead of the x component. + When a frame member
was drawn orthogonal to the screen in the 3D graphics, there were cases
when selection failed as there were no pixels rendered. + Multiple
selection feature is supported on thumbnail view editor that is
Outline, Section, Spring Property, M-Phi Property, Hysteresis and
Dynamic Signal. All selecting also can be done by Ctrl key and 'A' key.
+ UC-win/Frame3D permits a different beam element type to be assigned
to each element per run. Engineer's Studio does not support this
specification. Only a single element type is defined and it applies to
all runs. Hence, when reading UC-win/Frame3D files into ES, some data
may be lost and also, there is no clear candidate for the element type
when multiple types existed. This issue is resolved by setting the
element type to the type used in the first calculated run in the old
file. + The speed of the checking of network dongles was improved.
<Fixed problems>
* Input/Output + When point loads existed at intermediate points on a
frame member, sometimes the number of rows in the result table viewer
for the actions were incorrect. + When viewing strain performance
damage results, if a spring member has "No Damage", then its colour is
the "No Damage" colour. Previously it was the elements default colour
which could cause confusion if the colour matched a damage index
colour. Also the spring element did not use the correct colour for
black and white printing. + The plate element always rendered the base
material strain performance results by default even if the currently
selected criteria was not one related to plate results. Now it renders
the "No Result" colour if the selected criteria does not relate to
plate results. + A bug has been fixed that caused an error when
creating outlines from the outline database. + Contour plot legend data
was not calculated correctly when multi runs existed. + Floating point
calculations sometimes caused an unreliable calculated mesh size. Also
the user input mesh size was treated as a minimum, not a maximum as
indicated on the user interface. The calculation now treats it as a
maximum as per the user interface. + When the view angle was such that
the input plane was perpendicular to the screen, the transform commands
(Move & Rotate) did not start. + The input grid was drawn in the
wrong position when using non global input coordinate systems. + In
files exported from some UC 1 products, the check points were sometimes
rendered in the wrong position. + When multiple support cases existed,
an error could occur when deleting a support case that had supports
assigned to it. + An error occurred under certain conditions when
pasting into the node table editor. + The export to UC-win/Section did
not export the load cases and check point actions. + Display of many
nodes or elements by selection command on Grouping window was blank. If
string is over 1000 character, "..." is shown on it.
* Calculation Results + When a temperature load was included in a load
combination and used in a fully linear analysis, incorrect internal
element results could appear. + When the load profile did not cover the
whole plate element too much load was applied. + When the input order
of the nodes of adjacent plate elements had opposing winding
directions, the solver sometimes reported the model as unstable. This
has been resolved. |